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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 30% 11% 32% 16%
Middle 28% 10% 27% 17%
High 23% 11% 32% 13%

Military Resource



Creekside Elementary School strives to support our military-connected families with resources they need to be successful.  Below is a list of links to organizations and services that may be beneficial.

ACS Program

Army Community Service (ACS) provides numerous programs and resources for service members (all branches, including active duty, guard and reserve), their Families, retirees and DoD civilians. 

Association of the United States Army

A non-profit educational organization that supports the Army's Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, Army Civilians, Retirees and Families.

C&P Garage VA Claim Consultants

A non-profit Veterans organization dedicated to helping veterans navigate the VA system and paperwork for claims.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Resources to help military families overcome financial challenges.

ECTC Military and Veterans

Local college providing resources to military and veterans

Fort Knox MWR

Information about upcoming events and activities on Ft. Knox, and other resources

Homeless Veterans Resource - Hardin County

Resources specific to the Hardin County area

Kentucky Purple Star 

A variety of resources for families for youth programs, veteran services, and wellness care

Military Child Education Center

Academic and Social and Emotional Support Resources for Students

Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission

Resource for families facing challenges with military children and frequent relocations

Military OneSource

24/7 trusted information, resources, and confidential help for service members and military families to stay well and thrive

National Military Family Association

Support for military families through advocacy and programming

Operation Purple Camp (website and fact sheet)

Camp experience for military families

Red Cross

Resource for preparing, coping, and responding to the challenges of military services

Sesame Street for Military Families

Initiatives to support a wide range of issues, from math skills to literacy to health, and military deployment

USO Reading Program

Helping military kids stay connected through reading

Veterans Crisis Center

For more information and resources contact

Sophie Newton, Purple Star Liaison
Creekside Family Resource Coordinator